It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Great Sperm Race Part 1

Please watch this! Since they are in part you must search for the rest. I watched it, and it's very good. I also recommend having your DH watch this. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Well, I'm on CD67...10 days away from my "actual" Dr. appt. (See last post) At this point I'm willing to try anything to start AF, but so far all I know of is drugs that the Dr. could give me, and some Parsley Tea myth. Which if the Dr. doesn't give me anything on the 6th, and I still haven't started, I may head to the tea, even tho I'm not a fan of tea. No pain, no gain...

Tested Saturday, just in case, and surprisingly ... I'm not surprised that it came out to be a BFN! Looking at my chart I should have known, considering I'm all over the place...and of course I am missing a few temps, and my waking time has been off. Hopefully soon I can get back on track, but since I am on CD67 I'm not too worried about it.

Eventually I need to buy some OPK's, to at least help out my chart since my time is all messed up.

And That's all Folks!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A complete waste of my time

Well the Dr. appt. basically was a waste of my time. Here is how it went. I showed up to the Dr. appt., signed in and sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes. Saw people that arrived after me go in, but they were pregnant so didn't think much into it. So the couple that was sitting next to me was there for the same reason, she went up to the front desk and they told her that she was in the wrong place. So okay, I checked and they told me the same thing. We got directed down a floor and after a few minutes of wondering around, what they call the basement of the hospital, to the auditorium. At first I'm like, they have to be joking. Because I'm here to see the doctor, not spread my legs for other people to see.
Well walked in the auditorium, which was right next the cafeteria, that's when I realized I was in a class, with a slideshow. Yet, I was only 40 minutes late, but it was basically telling me everything I knew. I either learned it from high school, or I learned it from The Bump. I mean I'm glad that they have this for the other women because so many women out there don't know. But when I make an appt. to see the Doctor I want to see the freaking Doctor!! After the "class" was over I had to stand in line to make the actual appt., the one where I get to see the Dr. face-to-face, by myself and him.

On the plus side, I got free babysitting, and DH got off work for a couple hours and spend some time with his son.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Not much more going on right now. Arrived at CD60, but the good news is that I have my appointment tomorrow, so hopefully he can get my cycles back on track. DH made a joke this morning about arriving at the appointment, and he finds out that I'm pregnant. Ha! It's like..."Thanks Doc, Your good!" But not hold my breath. But I'm having that feeling again that I'm on another CD112 track again. In a way, I wouldn't be surprised.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Nothing special baby wise, on CD57, and wanted to wish ya'll a Green filled day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Such a quiet weekend

Okay well this weekend was a lazy weekend, and I've obviously forgot to post anything for a couple days.
Update: the Specialist nurse called back finally and let me know when I would be able to go in. I head in on the 21st (next Monday). Going to last about 2 hours, first visit and all. I also made sure to tell DH that he's going to NEED to get off and watch Hayden for that time. The nurse very bluntly told me that there are NO kids/children allowed in this visit. Which at first how rude, then realized that it's a good idea. This is a fertility specialist, for people who can't have children, and having children running around in the waiting room with other people might not be a good idea. For the other people anyways, plus this gives me time to collect my thoughts, and have time to myself.
Another thing that I forgot to do this weekend was temp. I woke up Saturday & just went on to the bathroom & realized that CRAP! I told myself that night when I went to bed, okay I'm gonna get it in the morning. Nope, woke up & started to have a conversation with DH. About 15 minutes in the conversation DH asks me, "are you still temping?". Doh!! So this morning I got it!! LOL....if I even O'd this cycle FF took away my CH's since I missed some temps.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

FF needs to make up it's mind, the other day it took my cross hair's away, and then yesterday gave it back. After I entered my temp. this morning FF told me I am 11DPO....still waiting on the Blood test to come out. I fell asleep Friday and missed my opportunity to call and ask, and they didn't call me I wait till tomorrow and hopefully I get a result. Preferably positive, but if it comes out negative I am sooo getting a stiff drink. LOL
Yesterday DH kept me running around a lot, which I appreciate, but it was cold last night and I didn't have a jacket, I started cramping, then I started feeling like I was going to throw up. I figured it could be because I'm hungry, but didn't change much after I ate.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ooh come on!

Called radiology yesterday to schedule my HSG, and they told me that I can't have that done until I've had AF. So when I go back to the Dr. on Tuesday I've gotta tell her that she needs to mark on my chart that I'm irregular. Umm, hello, I haven't had AF since Jan. 20th...the one before that was Dec...and before that was a 4 month split and didn't have one since um ya, I'm irregular.

Waiting for a call today for the results from my blood PG. test. DH said he will laugh if I'm PG, and I asked him why, and he said that we just went to the Dr. and got referred to an infertility specialist. So in a way, yeah that would be funny.

Other than a few cramps here and there, I'm not experiencing anything big.

*Stay tuned for the result of the blood test*

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm feeling not so special...

Yesterday's appt. was interesting. Got there talked to my normal doctor, I know there's a term for it I just can remember at this time, but anywho. They checked my vitals, and sent me on to her. She asked me all kinds of questions and then set me up with a referral to a Infertility Specialist, a visit to Radiology, and then have 2 tubes of blood drawn. One of the tubes was a routine pregnancy test, since I haven't started AF yet, and they don' t want to send me on to a Specialist if I'm PG. And can't forget she gave me another bottle of prenatals.

Another thing that happened yesterday after my appt., since I was referred to a specialist, I told my mother, that we were trying for another baby, more than a year. It took her 10 years to get me, so I figured if there was anything that she needed to tell me, tell me know, so I can fix it. The only thing she told me was that she was on some meds., that I can't remember the name either. DH's mom, already knew we were trying, she wants us to have a

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Moved CH's?!

Why...I was doing soo good. This morning when I entered my temp., FF moved my cross hairs from 6 DPO back down to 3 DPO, ugh! Some of the Bump ladies think that I haven't O'd yet. Grrr....I hope I did, oh well, I have my doctor's appt. tomorrow for my year visit(dr. year). Hopefully she will be able to figure out what's going on, and why it has taken a year.

I haven't told my mom anything about the Dr. appt. since I don't want her to know that we are TTC. My MIL knows, not sure about FIL, but my parents don't know yet. I guess we will see what happens at this appt., and that will determine if I'm going to let my parents know. Like if something is wrong, I want her to know.