It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Okay, we've hit a road bump for a while. Not sure for how long but at least a month. Technically we will be still trying, like if it happens, it happens, but we won't be using any Meds, to help. Dh is having issues with his migraines & we figured we would try to sort it out a little bit first before moving forward any further on TTC.

So until then, no updates for a while. Hope to be back soon.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Onto Cycle 14

Well 1st cycle with Injectables is a NO. Had 2 days of spotting, and of course had wishful thinking. Then this morning, AF came full force. Had a 24 day cycle, which is odd, because I haven't had that short of a cycle in a LONG time. I'm not going to say never because I'm sure in the past my body actually liked me.
I will be making a call in the morning to my nurse. Which she's probably gonna have me come in a pick up my second round.
Now we weren't able to do the IUI like planned, and we for the second round we won't be able to do it either. We want to try to do it will the Injectables for 2-3 cycles first, since it is stronger medication than the Clomid.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Injections & Trigger

Well went to the Dr. this morning at 6am & finally got to see my actual Dr. this time instead of nurses. Well did the ultrasound & saw my follicles, and they wanted me to schedule the IUI for Monday, but unfortunately we weren't able to afford it this month. It's not that fact we can't afford it at all, but not this month. It's not the IUI procedure, it's the sperm wash that's not covered by the insurance. Which I thought was weird. If this cycle isn't it, then we will look at it next time.
But I did bring home the Trigger Shot (HCG), Ovidrel, & the nurse will call me back to let me know when to take it. Since this is my first time dealing with shots, my best guess is to take it after my last shot?....I dunno we will see.

Did a little research tho, and apparently the rumors are that your supposed to Ov. within 36 hours of receiving the shot. So what will probably happen is I take the shot, then the next day take care of business. lol.

Info. I copied:
HCG helps in the follicle maturation process and triggers the release of mature eggs from the follicles.
HCG from the trigger shot can remain in your body for up to 14 days after you have received the injection. Your doctor may advise you to wait two weeks before taking a home pregnancy test.
Since hCG is produced by the body during pregnancy, the side effects of this drug are like those of early pregnancy. Nausea, breast tenderness, swelling and mild abdominal cramps are common side effects of the hCG trigger shot. The shot also may result in the release of more than one matured egg, which increases the risk of multiple births.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cycle 13

So Monday I started Cycle 13. Boo! Called my Nurse and told her that I was ready for the next step. So she called me back later that day and asked me to come in on Wednesday (yesterday) & she'd help keep me started on shots. Sooooo......I went in yesterday and got my first FSH shot. Gonal-f, I have 12 days of it, where I give myself a needle into my stomach. This better work.

This Monday me & DH will be going in at 6am in the morning, why, no clue, but will be getting an ultrasound to see if I'm even ovulating, and if I am then we have the option of doing an IUI. Not sure how much we are going to have to pay for it, if we do at all, but will find that out on Monday.

Information on IUI's

I've already warned DH that if I start to get REALLY pissy with him, to not take it personally.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Okay so yesterday's little addition didn't give much information. I was in a hurry. So basically my nurse thought that since I've already have 2 rounds of unsuccessful Clomid that it would be time for an IUI with injections. But after my little visit this morning, I talked with her a bit and thought about the IUI vs. Clomid. So I decided to go with another round of Clomid, and if it's unsuccessful then we will go with the IUI.
So today, on cycle day 4, I started on Clomid. Yippee!

Well a little back track here, the blood test that I got done last week told me that I am Ovulating so the problem isn't that. And we already covered the sperm issue. So in the dark here. Probably cervical mucus. Which wouldn't surprise me much if that's the reason.

Monday, September 26, 2011

So I got a Voicemail from my nurse today. I called her last week after noting that my blood test came up negative again, that I started my period & I would like to know what's next. It was a little hard to understand her, & I wasn't able to reach her when I called her back. So I listened and she wants me to come in tomorrow to show me how to do shots then mentions something about IUI. Now I've read/heard of people doing this but I'm not familiar with it. I looked up a few things on the internet, but got different sides.

And on this note I would like to add: "I have my ovaries!!"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

K nothing special going on. "If" I have a normal cycle, if you want to call it normal. I don't know if what my normal is, but if I have a normal 30 day cycle I'm just 3 days away. So that would be Friday. Not sure if I'm supposed to wait till 30 or 35 CD to contact the doctor. But by the time I'm going to get an appt., and/or blood test it would be after CD35. This cycle I've had no Clomid, & it was NOT started by Provera so if it's like the cycle before, it's gonna go past that. I think it was 50 days, or something, not sure. Hopefully I can stop counting the days to AF soon.

I did start a job, which me & DH have been joking about that. As soon as I start, like work for a month & I get pregnant. We weren't planning with DS, but that's what happened.

If this cycle is a bust (hopefully not), I will be calling my Dr's nurse & tell her we need to have a talk. Have him do more labs, or something. I've only seen him once & that was the 1st meeting. I would like to discuss other things with him. Like possibly see whats up, why is this not working. I know it's not DH's fault, he's good on that part. And all my tubes are clear, so that's not the issue.

I'm not 100% sure on this but I may do a Vlog on Youtube. But if I do it, I might wait till I get pregnant. I don't know, not sure yet. I'll keep you posted. Guess I'm in the baby mood right now because I'm watching other peoples videos on Youtube, to waste a little time while I wait for food to get done. But...anywho...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ovulation Spotting...

Well this one is a new one for me. I believe what I'm having is Ovulation spotting. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet, but this is from what I've read online. This morning I went to the bathroom & I noticed some brown/pinkish stuff mixed in with some mucus.
From what I read/Googled-
"Ovulation spotting normally occurs right before ovulation or during ovulation. It may appear as light bleeding or brown or pinkish spotting. Sometimes it will be mixed with egg-white looking cervical mucous
Which sounds exactly what I'm having. I'm also having some cramping, but if any of my symptoms get worse I'll be making a trip. It's a little weird for me, because I'm thinking it's Ovulation pain/cramping too, expecially since I'm on CD11. But then again, it's a good sign which means the Provera/Clomid has been working.

::fingers crossed::

Thursday, August 11, 2011

CD1 has come....again

Had a bit of spotting last night so I expected it to come. But as usual I still hoped for that mysterious implantation bleeding. But wha'd ya know....AF. Still as little light but def. AF. So another cycle that ended at 30 days, that I used Provera/Clomid.
I'm just really tired of this trying, pill popping, nothing happening adventure.
I'm going to be start temping again tomorrow, since this past cycle I didn't.

So onto Cycle 11 in 21 months. Woo!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sorry it's been a while. Haven't had much to talk about. I'm currently on CD28 of Cycle 10....still. Not temping this cycle, as it started to make me stressed & made me paranoid about every body function.
Good news is, is that I got a job last week, and as soon as the place opens up I will be starting. Hopefully their contractors/delivery people deliver their items on time so we can open. This job will be good to help take the constant "Am I PG?" out of my head.

More later when I have something.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Okay so I've went through my second round of Provera & Clomid. I went through 10 days of Provera & 2 days after finishing AF came around, then of course on CD3 I started on Clomid. So here we go again.
My Dr. has me on 1 more refill on both of them, so if after the 3rd round doesn't work, I guess I'll finally talk to my Dr. face to face again. But hopefully I will see him sooner than that for a different, but better reason.
I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to temp this cycle or take a break. I'll probably end up temping but I'm going to try to take a break.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Went to the Lab. yesterday to get a blood test since I hit CD35 on Sunday. And finally got a call back from the nurse a few hours ago. And Hey what do ya know, a Negative. Even tho, I prepared myself for it, it still hurts.
So DH before he comes home he'll be picking up my Round 2 of Provera & Clomid. Yay! More pills. Just what I want.
Guess this gives me the chance to load up on Vitamins, exercise, etc.

Jenny Renny

So just for fun over the weekend I had spent $10 for a Jenny Renny reading. If your not sure who she is....GOOGLE! Anyways, I got my reading last night, but looked at it on my phone as I was going to bed. So I was too lazy to get up & post it.

My reading was, "Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of October from a cycle that begins that month. The baby shows as a boy and his EDD/birth date is referenced the month of July 2012 - specific reference to the 9th and 15th."

I have to wait till October. I mean I'm happy that it's before my 2 year mark of TTC...but it's like 4 months away. Grrrr.....Oh well, only time will tell.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Well CD33 & of course I am having Phantom Symptoms are here. And a positive is no where in sight. Cramping, bloating, gas, heaviness, backache, mood swings (DH isn't helping), and of course the obvious no AF. Last cycle I had a normal cycle of 30 days, but I also had Provera to start that, and Clomid to help. This cycle I took nothing.

Dr. told me that if I pass CD35 with no AF & def. no BFP to call & make an appt. Well CD35 is on Sunday. Soo I'm thinking, just to give my body a little extra time. I'm going to give it till CD40 (Fri), then call & make an appt then. For the following week.

I'm just getting tired of this waiting game. Wait to Ovulate, wait during 2ww, wait to test, wait for a positive, and wait for AF. So we will see on what I plan to do about the Dr. appt.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unsolicited Advice

A new girl, well maybe not new to TTC but new to The Bump has a blog and she made a list of "10 things NOT to say to a TTCer". I think it's great. She has a blog on Word Press so if your friends with her, you may not see if on the Blogger roll.

Unsolicited Advice=Click Here

Just wanted to share. Thanks for reading. I'll post more about me later as soon as I figure out what my body is doing, or going to do.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ugly Stick

My chart looks sooo horrible it looks like it got hit with the "Ugly Stick"

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My chart is all over the place....the temps are soooo not constant....& if there's even a chance that my body likes me (...miracle I know...) & I'm PG (ha!) ... there's no way in hell my chart is gonna give me any clues

But I have decided that I'm claiming this Cycle as the "off" cycle....I'm still attempting, but not really caring anymore. My body is giving me so many different things...I have nausea one day, feel like I'm gonna drop dead from being drained of energy the other & gas, headaches, bloating, a cramp here and there....(note: i'm not claiming I might be PG)

I'm just ready for it to pass CD35 so I can call my Dr. & make an appt. (he told me to, if I pass CD35 without AF) Oh and just for shits & giggles I tested yesterday since I did feel like crap, and what to my surprise (not!) a BFN!!....yippee!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I has someone ask me a question in the Comment box of one of my posts. I believe it's on May 3rd or 8th. They weren't sure on what POM juice does, and read the POM was bad for conceiving. Well for some people it is. Pomegranate juice can help to thicken your lining which would help with implantation. So if you have incredibly thick lining already, then no, this is not a drink for you. Not sure if your lining is thick enough, then please visit & ask your doctor. Most doctors don't know about POM, or the Pineapple Core myth.
Yes, it's mainly a myth, but can't hurt to try it. A lot of ladies have tried POM & the Pineapple Core & have success with it.
If you don’t like the flavor, try adding some sparkling water, V8 Pom/Blueberry, or any other mixture you would like to it. Drink 8oz of juice a day from CD1-O. You can drink it past ovulation, but it won’t impact your lining at that point.
Pineapple core (Bromelain) can help with implantation. Eat 1/5 of the core from O - 5dpo, but not longer. Not a ton of people do this, but you can try if you want to. It's better if you make it into a smoothie.

**Note, some/most of this info was from The Bump website.**
­ New to TTGP?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Okay, it's obviously been a while since I've had any updates on here. After a 30 day cycle, I'm currently on CD19. But truthfully there really hasn't been much going on. Just waiting, and waiting, and some more waiting.
But I'm gonna make this entry short, since not much going on. BUT....stay tuned I'm sure something will come up.

Monday, May 23, 2011


This morning I tested with a Wondfo brand HPT, and got a BFN. Then a couple hours ago I found out that AF has arrived, quietly, and with some what of a surprise, being the sneaky self that she is. This explains the BFN I got this morning....grrrr. But I am, like I said, somewhat surprised because I usually have long cycles & this 8th Cycle was only 30 days. So there are multiple reasons I can think of. 1. My body decided to get on track (hahahaha) 2. The HSG procedure I had done kicked something on 3. The Provera I had end of last cycle & the Clomid did it's job or 4. Something else I can't think of.

On 2 good notes,

1. I finally had a normal cycle in a long time. So the Provera & Clomid had to have worked

2. Next week when I go to the beach I don't have to worry about all that AF stuff with the swim suit issue, and I can drink with no risk.

Still sucks tho, good bye cycle 8, and hello cycle 9. To bad I can't surprise my parents with good news. But like I told the ladies on The Bump, gotta stay positive in this mess. Can't be overcome with Stress.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

For those who read my blog & look at my chart...

Okay I'm not directing this towards anyone and I am NOT upset but let's get something straight. We are TTC our #2, so that means we already have one. And that means that some days I'm going to have Open Circles due to our son waking up before my temping time.
For those who are also TTC #2, 3, 4 or more ya'll should understand. Those #1-ers, please understand that when ever you do get your +, your going to be waking up at odd times of the night, and your going to be exhausted.
SO point blank....My Chart, it's gonna have Open Circles. So just deal with it.

Thanks for your time.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Holding out till next week

Okay so today is 8DPO, and Fertility Friend wants me to wait till 13DPO. UGH! I will do my best. My temps, are okay I guess. Right now they are looking like a roller coaster. Not consistently going up, but not down either. Oh of course I have my doubts, but I still have hope.

The HSG I had this cycle was said to help, clearing out the tubes, etc. I drank POM, and ate Pineapple core at 3DPO. Took OPK's to hopefully narrow it down.

So 13DPO is a few days before my parents arrive. So Wednesday....hmmm let's see. I may test on 10 or 11 DPO if I can't wait that long. But as I always tell DH, who is impatient about everything, especially when he's irritated, "Patience is a virtue". Hahahahaha! Should I take my own advice?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Holy Crosshairs

I was hoping that I would get them this cycle. I woke up, entered my temp, and Woah!! I was actually surprised. I checked with the ladies on the Bump & it looks like I'm doing good. Currently I'm at 3DPO, and praying for higher temps.
According to FF, they are having me test on CD35, making it 13DPO, but may test sooner if my temps look REALLY good.
I'm so excited that once again I'm in the 2ww, now if I can just get through it till testing day, I should be good.
*more updates later*

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well looks like his little guys passed the test and got an A+ ... LOL

Finally got a call back a week later...but his count is at 279 Mill. His mobility is supposed to be over 50% and he was at 95%

Now if we can just get his little guys to behave and do what they need to, we can be done.

One of the Bump ladies posted this & I thought that it was too funny. Of course I've seen this before but I think it's just a perfect example of how DH's little guys did on their test

Well yesterday's OPK looked positive, so I'm my eyes didn't lie to me. Now today's OPK was obviously a negative. So let's hope DH's little swimmers did their job like they are supposed to. Especially after going through an HSG, cleaning everything out. It should make it easier.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well Friday I had received some OPK's in mail that I ordered. To bad that they didn't come in enough time for me to do one that day. So I did one mid-day yesterday and of course the test came out negative. Not so much disappointing as a HPT, but still downing. BUT, not out of it yet. Testing again today.
I am still continuing to drink POM until I get a +. Not just because of that, but I don't want the POM I do have in the fridge to go bad. Not that much left. Since the POM is a little tart for me, I'm doing half a glass of POM, and then the other half with either Sprite, or Pom/Blueberry V8 Fruit Juice.

I also want to wish to all the Mom's, Mommy's, Mommies, Mother's, To-Be's.....A Happy Mother's Day!! Ya'll are all great in my book.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HSG test

Okay so obviously the Blood PG. test I had done yesterday turned out negative. Surprised??....Nope, hopeful?, like I didn't know I was Pregnant episodes hopeful??....a little.

Anyways, I had my HSG test today. Everything turned out normal. So Mom, your off the hook this time. (I usually blame my mom for female issues) I'm still having some mild cramping here and there(considering this was done about 3 hours ago), but feels like I'm on my period cramps crossed with gas. LOL. I went in they did the procedure, and I was out. It was little uncomfortable, but after they got all the equipment in, I did fine. I was able to watch the screen as the dye was flowing & that was pretty cool. After, they took the stuff out, they told me I was going to have some spotting. But thankfully, I still had a Pad left over in my purse so I put that on. Plus, what goes up, must come back down, and I don't want the dye to stain my clothes. (just in case)
So my loving husband drove me home since it was more than a 30 minute drive back. As we stopped half way at Starbucks, is when I started feeling some cramping. Not severe, tho. When I got home I ate something & took some Ibuprofen (I believe 800mg) & laid down.

Also, before leaving DH got what he needed for a SA, and was able to that today. Surprisingly, the results will be in, in a few hours.

If you would like to know more details on the how the procedure was done, list your email below in the comment box, and I'll get back to you. I don't feel like listing "that much" graphic details publicly on-line, even though most of this is personal.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

So yeah, yesterday (last night) we went to a festival because Jo Dee Messina was playing an I LOVE her & it was FREE!!

Anyways, half way through the "concert" & this lady comes talking to us about how cute our son is, and all that...and mentions her 4 kids, and introduces, and I go back to tune myself back into the music. I open my ears long enough back into the conversation that DH was having with her & she says, "It gets easier with more kids, ya'll should really think about having another one"

What!?!?! ......thankfully DH took care of this & told her "We have, we have been trying for over a year, not going that well".

She backed off.....

Anyways, I still have my HSG test on Tuesday, also have a walk in Blood PG. test the day before just in case. But I doubt that even if I happen to get PG within the 5 days being off my period, I highly, highly doubt that it's gonna show up on the test. But the good news is that, from the stories I have read/heared about what happens after the HSG test, the out comes looks really good. So I'm making sure I get my POM juice up to "O". So I'm keeping my hopes up this cycle. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A few Adult-Sex-Humor jokes......

If someone ever tells you that you are useless, remember that at one time you were the strongest, fastest little sperm out of millions!

Be quiet or I'll light the fuse on your tampon

Did you know that your nipples are lined up with your earlobes? Bet you're checking now :)

Today, I did it hard, I did it loud, it was wet, and I did it four times in a row. I wish I wasn't talking about sneezing.

Got arrested for opening the cop's zipper. Apparently I misunderstood the meaning of "Please blow Ma'am"

What do men have in their pants that is 6 inches, has a head on it, and women like to blow it?
Answer: A $20 dollar bill

I hate to break it to you, but cooties do exist...It's just when you grow up they're called STD's

I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.

Why did Cinderella get kicked out of Disneyland?
For sitting on Pinocchio's face and saying, "Lie to me" "Tell the Truth"

Men are the best cooks; because wit 2 nuts 1 sausage n a little bit of milk she can fill a woman tummy for 9 months!

What does Viagra and Disneyland have in common.??
They both make you stand around for an hour waiting for a two minute ride.

Why do guys think more then girls, and why do girls talk more then guys? Because guys have two heads and girls have two sets of lips ;)

Today, I saw a couple of beetles doing it. Jealous, I quickly crushed them with my boot while screaming, "IF I CAN'T DO IT, NOBODY WILL!"

What does a G-spot, a woman's Birthday and a urinal have in common? Men seem to miss all three!

A blow-job is the only job in the world that can't be included in your resume despite years of experience and a number of references!

A husband and wife are watching TV. The husband says "I can't decide between golf and porn." The wife says "Choose porn, you already know how to golf."

Husband says to wife "Why are you reading a recipe book if you can't cook?"
Wife says to husband ''Why do you watch porn?''

Monday, April 25, 2011

Okay tell me how this makes

I just called Radiology so I can get an HSG done next week on Tues. since I'm on CD3. (would've called on Sat. when I started but they are closed) Today I'm starting Clomid, which is supposed to help me get PG. Not allowed to have any sex, until after my HSG is done..............BUT here's the best part....they are having me do a Blood PG Test the day before.

I know they have to make sure and everything (especially with the show "I didn't know I was PG"), but this just makes me laugh. DH was like WTF?!

For those who don't know what an HSG is, it's a Real Time X-Ray imager. The Xray procedure performed to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and to see if the shape of the uterine cavity is normal. The Outpatient procedure takes less than half-an-hour to preform. It is usually done after menstrual has ended, but before ovulation, to prevent interference with an early pregnancy.
(And yes, I did copy this information from my pamphlet the Dr. gave me)
On CD2:
**talking to DH about stuff**
Me: Hey tomorrow I can start on Clomid
**short pause**
DH: Yay! Then we can start making BABIES!!
Me: *just laughing*

Sunday, April 24, 2011

CD 2

Of course out of all the days of AF to come, it has to come on our Anniversary. (yesterday) Mid-day too...just my luck. I had a romantic night planned for us since AF was no where near, but never mind. I was able to have a drink at Joes Crabshack with no fear of anything (ya'll know what I mean). I mean I'm happy that she showed up, but she could have waited just a lil' bit longer.

Which by the way, after the food & the 1 drink I had last night, I ended up sick. I wasn't even close to being buzzed. Ate around 3-4pm, and then I felt being sick to my stomach around 10-11pm. Then finally forced it, so I could go to sleep, around midnight. Def. the food, I was tempted to call the restaurant, but lost track of time. I still feel a lil' sick but not as bad as I did.

Now tomorrow I can start my Clomid...Wooooo!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

just another day

Called my Dr. Office today & he's out until next week because of Holiday....grrr. Well I asked about my REALLY Sore Boobs, & why it's been over a week since ending Provera & still no AF. She told me if the pain got really bad that I need to go to the E.R. but other than that they can't give me a straight answer until next week when the Dr. returns.
I've been able to keep most of the pain at bay with some Tylenol and warm baths/showers so I'm gonna do my best to wait it out the best I can, because I really don't want to sit in the waiting room for 2-3 or more just because my boobs hurt. But if it does get that bad, I will go.
I did take a HPT yesterday just for self reassurance, since I have been having some weird symptoms. A little hopeful but not surprised that it came out Negative.
DH is happy because usually when my boobs are sore mean that they are growing. LOL

So I'm continuing on waiting for AF

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Provera & BBT

6 Days past finishing Provera....and still nothing. Well it's only 9am & I just woke up so that doesn't mean anything. I only have cramps, that comes & goes. I mainly have the cramps at night, which is weird. Oh I did forget about tender/sore nipples.
I'm still keeping up a small amount of hope that I'm pregnant, & the blood test my Dr. did 2 weeks ago was to early. Provera is just Progesterone which the body makes when your PG. anyways.
I was having a temp rise, so I researched about the Provera & see what my body is doing. A couple stuff I Googled said that Provera raises BBT but the thing is most of the rise is after finishing Provera which is kinda weird, but also hopeful at the same time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I really need to write some more on this blog.....

Done with Provera, so now I'm on the AF waiting train...and I have a feeling it may take a while. I am experiencing some cramping, so maybe some luck on that. I believe I have to wait 2-3 weeks before I call the Dr. I'm just hoping I don't have to that. Because in a way I think that Clomid bottle is starting to collect dust, even though it's only been 10 days. But I probally should dust the bedroom/bathroom tho. LOL

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little info. On Provera

Provera does not make you ovulate. It builds up the uterine lining with the progesterone hormone & then when you stop taking the hormone, you have what is called a "withdrawl bleed" This is usually a way to induce a period to get you back on the path to TTC again, but if the doctor wanted to make you ovulate after this, they would try Clomid. Provera is usually prescribed for women TTC who are not regular or its been a while between periods, so you need to be "cleaned out" & start fresh. Provera is also Rx'd to women who are trying to go through the change as they have such irregular periods that they don't always clear out their uterine lining & therefore at higher risk for Endometrial Cancer.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Never Mind....

Well according from my last post, ya'll thought that AF had come around....well false alarm. I did have a couple days of spotting, but nothing more than that. Still taking Provera, after today I have 4 days left, and then apparently it's the waiting game. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.
Nothing really much more on this end.


I would like to take a quick moment and announce a New Line of Baby Products coming out. Tiny Tilla by Avon. I do work for Avon/Mark so if you have any questions please ask. If you would like to see any of the products Tiny Tilla is offering you can visit or Tiny Tilla Tiny Tilla will be Opening up tomorrow Online. If you would like to see what Avon has to offer visit My Avon Online

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ovaries meet Provera & Clomid

I can't believe it. Either my ovaries got scared and gave in OR the Provera works. After my 1st dosage yesterday around 3pm, I finally started around 3pm today!! I wanted to make sure I kept the "pill" taking around the same I took my 2nd dosage around three, and then jumped into the shower, & that's where I noticed it.
Normally I wouldn't be excited about starting AF, with all the cramps, bleeding, bloating, etc. But I can now start over. Now I wait till CD3 to start the Clomid
So tomorrow, I've gotta call the Radiology & schedule an appt. with them. After 77 days of nothing, I finally get to a point so I can start over.

Ovaries meet Provera & Clomid

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Welcome Provera & Clomid!!

I am now a Provera & Clomid woman...

Had my Dr. appt. today & he drew 5 tubes of blood, one of them a blood test (just in case) had that rushed, and of course came out Neg. (darn)....I then started my 1st day with Provera=10mg...then once AF comes on CD3 I start Clomid=50mg

If no AF by CD35 I then schedule a PG. with the Dr. & go from there, if I go through 3 cycles on Provera & Clomid we will start "looking" into IVF

Of course DH is gonna have to do SA, and as soon as CD1 comes I call Radiology and make an appt. for that. Just one appt. after another but I'm hoping that it won't take to long & this Dr. can fix me.

When I went in for the blood draw, or should I say blood bank...ha. I looked at the number of tubes and sighed,

Nurse: they love you today
Me: As long as this medicine works
Nurse: You have Dr. ****** right?
Me: Yup
Nurse: He's good, he's a miracle worker

I then thought to myself, well good, shouldn't take too long then. I'll be keeping that phrase in mind, and holding him to it know. LOL

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wanted to jump on here & let ya'll know that there is a chance that April & May are my only months to try to conceive, for a while anyways. With DH being in the Army I knew that the time was coming, but didn't want it to. The Army is going to be sending him away for a while, can't say where, and when but obviously after May since I have less than 2 months.
Seeing the Dr. tomorrow, & will now discuss some options. Even if I don't get pregnant before he leaves, I still need to go and see him, since 1) Haven't had AF since Jan. 20th 2)I've been having pains 3)It's always good to prepare for the future.

Also want a heads up, if I don't give notice before, that if you don't see this particular blog anymore it's because I shut it down. No reason on keeping it up, if nothing is gonna happen. Ya'll should understand.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Great Sperm Race Part 1

Please watch this! Since they are in part you must search for the rest. I watched it, and it's very good. I also recommend having your DH watch this. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Well, I'm on CD67...10 days away from my "actual" Dr. appt. (See last post) At this point I'm willing to try anything to start AF, but so far all I know of is drugs that the Dr. could give me, and some Parsley Tea myth. Which if the Dr. doesn't give me anything on the 6th, and I still haven't started, I may head to the tea, even tho I'm not a fan of tea. No pain, no gain...

Tested Saturday, just in case, and surprisingly ... I'm not surprised that it came out to be a BFN! Looking at my chart I should have known, considering I'm all over the place...and of course I am missing a few temps, and my waking time has been off. Hopefully soon I can get back on track, but since I am on CD67 I'm not too worried about it.

Eventually I need to buy some OPK's, to at least help out my chart since my time is all messed up.

And That's all Folks!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A complete waste of my time

Well the Dr. appt. basically was a waste of my time. Here is how it went. I showed up to the Dr. appt., signed in and sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes. Saw people that arrived after me go in, but they were pregnant so didn't think much into it. So the couple that was sitting next to me was there for the same reason, she went up to the front desk and they told her that she was in the wrong place. So okay, I checked and they told me the same thing. We got directed down a floor and after a few minutes of wondering around, what they call the basement of the hospital, to the auditorium. At first I'm like, they have to be joking. Because I'm here to see the doctor, not spread my legs for other people to see.
Well walked in the auditorium, which was right next the cafeteria, that's when I realized I was in a class, with a slideshow. Yet, I was only 40 minutes late, but it was basically telling me everything I knew. I either learned it from high school, or I learned it from The Bump. I mean I'm glad that they have this for the other women because so many women out there don't know. But when I make an appt. to see the Doctor I want to see the freaking Doctor!! After the "class" was over I had to stand in line to make the actual appt., the one where I get to see the Dr. face-to-face, by myself and him.

On the plus side, I got free babysitting, and DH got off work for a couple hours and spend some time with his son.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Not much more going on right now. Arrived at CD60, but the good news is that I have my appointment tomorrow, so hopefully he can get my cycles back on track. DH made a joke this morning about arriving at the appointment, and he finds out that I'm pregnant. Ha! It's like..."Thanks Doc, Your good!" But not hold my breath. But I'm having that feeling again that I'm on another CD112 track again. In a way, I wouldn't be surprised.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Nothing special baby wise, on CD57, and wanted to wish ya'll a Green filled day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Such a quiet weekend

Okay well this weekend was a lazy weekend, and I've obviously forgot to post anything for a couple days.
Update: the Specialist nurse called back finally and let me know when I would be able to go in. I head in on the 21st (next Monday). Going to last about 2 hours, first visit and all. I also made sure to tell DH that he's going to NEED to get off and watch Hayden for that time. The nurse very bluntly told me that there are NO kids/children allowed in this visit. Which at first how rude, then realized that it's a good idea. This is a fertility specialist, for people who can't have children, and having children running around in the waiting room with other people might not be a good idea. For the other people anyways, plus this gives me time to collect my thoughts, and have time to myself.
Another thing that I forgot to do this weekend was temp. I woke up Saturday & just went on to the bathroom & realized that CRAP! I told myself that night when I went to bed, okay I'm gonna get it in the morning. Nope, woke up & started to have a conversation with DH. About 15 minutes in the conversation DH asks me, "are you still temping?". Doh!! So this morning I got it!! LOL....if I even O'd this cycle FF took away my CH's since I missed some temps.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

FF needs to make up it's mind, the other day it took my cross hair's away, and then yesterday gave it back. After I entered my temp. this morning FF told me I am 11DPO....still waiting on the Blood test to come out. I fell asleep Friday and missed my opportunity to call and ask, and they didn't call me I wait till tomorrow and hopefully I get a result. Preferably positive, but if it comes out negative I am sooo getting a stiff drink. LOL
Yesterday DH kept me running around a lot, which I appreciate, but it was cold last night and I didn't have a jacket, I started cramping, then I started feeling like I was going to throw up. I figured it could be because I'm hungry, but didn't change much after I ate.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ooh come on!

Called radiology yesterday to schedule my HSG, and they told me that I can't have that done until I've had AF. So when I go back to the Dr. on Tuesday I've gotta tell her that she needs to mark on my chart that I'm irregular. Umm, hello, I haven't had AF since Jan. 20th...the one before that was Dec...and before that was a 4 month split and didn't have one since um ya, I'm irregular.

Waiting for a call today for the results from my blood PG. test. DH said he will laugh if I'm PG, and I asked him why, and he said that we just went to the Dr. and got referred to an infertility specialist. So in a way, yeah that would be funny.

Other than a few cramps here and there, I'm not experiencing anything big.

*Stay tuned for the result of the blood test*

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm feeling not so special...

Yesterday's appt. was interesting. Got there talked to my normal doctor, I know there's a term for it I just can remember at this time, but anywho. They checked my vitals, and sent me on to her. She asked me all kinds of questions and then set me up with a referral to a Infertility Specialist, a visit to Radiology, and then have 2 tubes of blood drawn. One of the tubes was a routine pregnancy test, since I haven't started AF yet, and they don' t want to send me on to a Specialist if I'm PG. And can't forget she gave me another bottle of prenatals.

Another thing that happened yesterday after my appt., since I was referred to a specialist, I told my mother, that we were trying for another baby, more than a year. It took her 10 years to get me, so I figured if there was anything that she needed to tell me, tell me know, so I can fix it. The only thing she told me was that she was on some meds., that I can't remember the name either. DH's mom, already knew we were trying, she wants us to have a

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Moved CH's?!

Why...I was doing soo good. This morning when I entered my temp., FF moved my cross hairs from 6 DPO back down to 3 DPO, ugh! Some of the Bump ladies think that I haven't O'd yet. Grrr....I hope I did, oh well, I have my doctor's appt. tomorrow for my year visit(dr. year). Hopefully she will be able to figure out what's going on, and why it has taken a year.

I haven't told my mom anything about the Dr. appt. since I don't want her to know that we are TTC. My MIL knows, not sure about FIL, but my parents don't know yet. I guess we will see what happens at this appt., and that will determine if I'm going to let my parents know. Like if something is wrong, I want her to know.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I got cross hairs??

I entered my temp this morning, and it gave me cross hairs!, and currently 3 DPO. I'm excited, but also curious....because what FF is telling me is that the spotting I experienced a few days ago, it was really ovulation spotting. Hmmm....I'm going to be a little upset tomorrow when I enter my temp. and it's taken away. Also a little aggravated that as soon as I make a Dr. Appt. my cross hairs show up....oh well...I guess if there is a little bun in the oven, the Dr. will let me know. **fingers crossed**
Link I found about O Spotting
According to this link, and ladies on TheBump, spotting during O'ing is actually considered to be extremely now if I can get DH to keep the house stress free...everything will be golden. But HA, not holding my breath

Thursday, February 24, 2011

End of sniffles, Start of doctors...

Well tested this morning, since I was feeling a little crappy. DS gave me the sniffles & a sore throat. I was taking a bunch of Benadryl yesterday, and I was afraid that if I was pregnant I would hurt the baby. So I laid in bed for as long as I could this morning debating to take the test that was calling my name. So after 30 minutes of debating, I went and POAS, and after an annoying 2 minutes, the test came up as a BFN!!!

In a way I'm not surprised. So texted DH and told him, and let him know that since I came up Neg. I was gonna make a Dr. Appt. .... So I have an appt. next week on Wed., hopefully this will give me some insight on what's going on and why it's taking sooo long.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back in the game

Everytime I log onto Blogger I & start to write about my TTC experience I stop & walk away. Well I think I'm going to stick to it now, it has officially been a year since we started TTC, well by the Doctor's standard. Truthfully, we really started when I stopped BCP in December 09', but my doctor wanted to give my body an extra 3 months for my body to adjust. Don't see why, I haven't got pregnant yet.
Day before yesterday I started spotting. Not much, and I only noticed a few drops (streaks) of red in with my mucus when I go to the bathroom. I'm expecting AF to show up but I'm just hoping that maybe this could be implantation bleeding, but I can't read too much into it. I'm also having some cramps in with it, yesterday I had to use a heating pad on my stomach to help with some of the uncomfortable-ness, but was only a temporary fix.
My chart is all over the place this cycle, I've been waking up at all different times in the morning, so "IF" for some miracle I am pregnant, I highly doubt I'll be able to get any insight through my temps.
I hoping that I don't have to go through any fertility treatments, etc. My mom had trouble getting me, so I'm hoping that I don't follow in her footsteps. I mean I love her but let's not have this take after her. LOL.