It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Injections & Trigger

Well went to the Dr. this morning at 6am & finally got to see my actual Dr. this time instead of nurses. Well did the ultrasound & saw my follicles, and they wanted me to schedule the IUI for Monday, but unfortunately we weren't able to afford it this month. It's not that fact we can't afford it at all, but not this month. It's not the IUI procedure, it's the sperm wash that's not covered by the insurance. Which I thought was weird. If this cycle isn't it, then we will look at it next time.
But I did bring home the Trigger Shot (HCG), Ovidrel, & the nurse will call me back to let me know when to take it. Since this is my first time dealing with shots, my best guess is to take it after my last shot?....I dunno we will see.

Did a little research tho, and apparently the rumors are that your supposed to Ov. within 36 hours of receiving the shot. So what will probably happen is I take the shot, then the next day take care of business. lol.

Info. I copied:
HCG helps in the follicle maturation process and triggers the release of mature eggs from the follicles.
HCG from the trigger shot can remain in your body for up to 14 days after you have received the injection. Your doctor may advise you to wait two weeks before taking a home pregnancy test.
Since hCG is produced by the body during pregnancy, the side effects of this drug are like those of early pregnancy. Nausea, breast tenderness, swelling and mild abdominal cramps are common side effects of the hCG trigger shot. The shot also may result in the release of more than one matured egg, which increases the risk of multiple births.

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