Okay so obviously the Blood PG. test I had done yesterday turned out negative. Surprised??....Nope, hopeful?, like I didn't know I was Pregnant episodes hopeful??....a little.
Anyways, I had my HSG test today. Everything turned out normal. So Mom, your off the hook this time. (I usually blame my mom for female issues) I'm still having some mild cramping here and there(considering this was done about 3 hours ago), but feels like I'm on my period cramps crossed with gas. LOL. I went in they did the procedure, and I was out. It was little uncomfortable, but after they got all the equipment in, I did fine. I was able to watch the screen as the dye was flowing & that was pretty cool. After, they took the stuff out, they told me I was going to have some spotting. But thankfully, I still had a Pad left over in my purse so I put that on. Plus, what goes up, must come back down, and I don't want the dye to stain my clothes. (just in case)
So my loving husband drove me home since it was more than a 30 minute drive back. As we stopped half way at Starbucks, is when I started feeling some cramping. Not severe, tho. When I got home I ate something & took some Ibuprofen (I believe 800mg) & laid down.
Also, before leaving DH got what he needed for a SA, and was able to that today. Surprisingly, the results will be in, in a few hours.
If you would like to know more details on the how the procedure was done, list your email below in the comment box, and I'll get back to you. I don't feel like listing "that much" graphic details publicly on-line, even though most of this is personal.
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