It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ovulation Spotting...

Well this one is a new one for me. I believe what I'm having is Ovulation spotting. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet, but this is from what I've read online. This morning I went to the bathroom & I noticed some brown/pinkish stuff mixed in with some mucus.
From what I read/Googled-
"Ovulation spotting normally occurs right before ovulation or during ovulation. It may appear as light bleeding or brown or pinkish spotting. Sometimes it will be mixed with egg-white looking cervical mucous
Which sounds exactly what I'm having. I'm also having some cramping, but if any of my symptoms get worse I'll be making a trip. It's a little weird for me, because I'm thinking it's Ovulation pain/cramping too, expecially since I'm on CD11. But then again, it's a good sign which means the Provera/Clomid has been working.

::fingers crossed::

Thursday, August 11, 2011

CD1 has come....again

Had a bit of spotting last night so I expected it to come. But as usual I still hoped for that mysterious implantation bleeding. But wha'd ya know....AF. Still as little light but def. AF. So another cycle that ended at 30 days, that I used Provera/Clomid.
I'm just really tired of this trying, pill popping, nothing happening adventure.
I'm going to be start temping again tomorrow, since this past cycle I didn't.

So onto Cycle 11 in 21 months. Woo!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sorry it's been a while. Haven't had much to talk about. I'm currently on CD28 of Cycle 10....still. Not temping this cycle, as it started to make me stressed & made me paranoid about every body function.
Good news is, is that I got a job last week, and as soon as the place opens up I will be starting. Hopefully their contractors/delivery people deliver their items on time so we can open. This job will be good to help take the constant "Am I PG?" out of my head.

More later when I have something.....