Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
We went into the Reproductive Center for DH's Sperm Wash, then took our "sample" over to Post for the procedure.
It went fairly well. As suspected I would have some minor cramping. I had stomach cramping for the first day & since then I've had minor (on&off) cramping down below, more than like on my cervix, where they inserted the Tube/Cath. for the Sperm Wash.
I have a Pregnancy Blood Test scheduled on the 8th. **fingers crossed**
until then...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Last Night Was Fun
Had to share this. Part of it is funny. Last night was interesting.
A little back story before I tell the main. My husband is in the Army so that means I can use the Army Doctors/Hospital. We own our own house off post about 30 minutes away from post, and about 10 minutes away from local Hospital.
I was supposed to take my Trigger last night at 9 so I can have my IUI on Thursday. My nurse gave me one of those "mix it" ones. If you've done it, or a nurse, you know what I'm talking about. Well the mixing part was okay. Putting the needle in my skin was an issue.
I normally do Ovidrel but this time I got Novarel. The difference between them are the size in needle. Last night was oooooo, so much fun. Since I spent 30 minutes trying to get a hold of my nurse/ advice nurse & failing at every turn. I decided that I was going to take a trip to the ER for a very stupid reason.
Well I drove the 30 minutes to A. H. & they have a number ticket system to be checked in. Showed up pulled a number, looked at the number I was 522. The last number was 408. Looked around and 95% of them are children. Not only did I feel sorry for them, because what they are going through, I went through 3 weeks ago, but I just needed a smaller needle & wasn't going to wait 3-4 hours, and risk myself getting sick again.
So I gave my number to the next person to walk in & left to try to the L.H. Which actually I should have done in the first place. Funny thing is coming. I waited in line to be checked in, the Triage nurse asked what's wrong. I explained to her that I'm trying to get pregnant, and I needed to take this Trigger shot at 9pm or as close as possible. She looked at me with a confused face & asked, "What is a Trigger shot?" ... I then had to explain to her what it does.
Not to be rude to the fellow nurses on here. And I know I am the weirdest case ever to come into the ER, but shouldn't this be part of your training.
Anyways.....she ended up having to call her boss. She said she couldn't give out a needle without Checking me in, I was like fine, that's what I'm here for anyways. She got me checked in & I waited about 10 minutes before another nurse called me back for vitals. I then once again have to explain the Trigger shot to a guy & once again get the confused look from hell.
Short story, waited 30 minutes then called back. Got another confused looked. Then got a Dr whose sister apparently takes it, got a needle then checked out. All before 1130. Got home. DH passed out. Missed him apparently by a few minutes, so no "pregame" before the IUI tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Since I'll be having an IUI soon. They gave me the Trigger. Now I've done Ovidrel in the past but this on is new. It is called Novarel. I know so close in name. Ovidrel was a pre-measured needle, where this Novarel here I have to mix. Sounds like sooo much fun. I hope I can follow the instructions right. Eek.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Money isn't the issue. We have money so don't get me wrong. We can take care of the baby if/when I get pregnant. Just at that 2-3 day mark we didn't. As every family comes to a point where they just dont have the funds.
So we tried another cycle on our own. It would be nice if we could do it on our own, but so far I don't see it.
So since we did it on our own, we did our best to time it. So if we timed it right I should be at DPO7, I have a Blood test scheduled for DPO 13, next week.