So Gonal-F is what I've been taking for a while. Started at the lowest dosage at 75 mg, then moved to 112.5 mg last cycle. Looks like the higher dosage seems to be working because........Dr told me that I could be having an IUI either tomorrow or Thursday. I'm so excited. I can't believe that it's finally here. Hopefully this IUI works because I'm sooooo tired of shooting myself in the stomach with needles. *sigh*

Since I'll be having an IUI soon. They gave me the Trigger. Now I've done Ovidrel in the past but this on is new. It is called Novarel. I know so close in name. Ovidrel was a pre-measured needle, where this Novarel here I have to mix. Sounds like sooo much fun. I hope I can follow the instructions right. Eek.

Since I'll be having an IUI soon. They gave me the Trigger. Now I've done Ovidrel in the past but this on is new. It is called Novarel. I know so close in name. Ovidrel was a pre-measured needle, where this Novarel here I have to mix. Sounds like sooo much fun. I hope I can follow the instructions right. Eek.
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