Just as a reminder. This blog is no more. I keep it up just as an information basis. But as soon as I got pregnant, there was no need to post here anymore.
Enjoy Mommy's Time Out! (can be found by clicking on the link on the right side bar)
Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Early June Baby?!?!
YES! I am pregnant! We found out on Wednesday that I'm pregnant. Don't
know how far along I am but heading to the Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully find
out soon. I went in Tuesday to the appt. to figure out what was going
on. Like why I wasn't getting pregnant & also get my cycle going
again. They had to do an Ultrasound to see if my tubes were open. We
didn't see anything but the Dr. did notice that one of my Follicles were
popped. But she said that doesn't mean anything, sometimes they pop
& don't go anywhere. (Meaning I ovulated, the egg was released but
the egg didn't travel down the tubes like it was supposed to.)
But in order to get my cycle going they went ahead & did a Pregnancy Blood Test just to make sure. Well, SURPRISE! There was in fact a baby in there. When I found out I was at the VA Hospital with Spencer getting paperwork filled out (nothing wrong) in the hallway jumping up & down. Spencer couldn't freak out as much because he was being called back to talk to people. But he's excited.
We called Peggy while still at the Hospital. She was the first to know. I told her over the phone & I made her cry. She got her wish. That night we took Mom & Dad out to eat at Olive Garden. Gave them a card that stated that they are going to be Grandparents ... AGAIN! Took them a second but they figured it out. Gave Hayden a T-Shirt that says, "Big Brother". We had to read it to him & once he heard he got super excited. He's so happy to become a big brother.
2 days ago I had my first run at morning sickness. This baby either doesn't like Whataburger Burgers or Hot Cheetos or both. But for the next 9 months I am staying far away from both just to make sure.
But in order to get my cycle going they went ahead & did a Pregnancy Blood Test just to make sure. Well, SURPRISE! There was in fact a baby in there. When I found out I was at the VA Hospital with Spencer getting paperwork filled out (nothing wrong) in the hallway jumping up & down. Spencer couldn't freak out as much because he was being called back to talk to people. But he's excited.
We called Peggy while still at the Hospital. She was the first to know. I told her over the phone & I made her cry. She got her wish. That night we took Mom & Dad out to eat at Olive Garden. Gave them a card that stated that they are going to be Grandparents ... AGAIN! Took them a second but they figured it out. Gave Hayden a T-Shirt that says, "Big Brother". We had to read it to him & once he heard he got super excited. He's so happy to become a big brother.
2 days ago I had my first run at morning sickness. This baby either doesn't like Whataburger Burgers or Hot Cheetos or both. But for the next 9 months I am staying far away from both just to make sure.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
More about Cerivcal Mucus
I found some better pictures about what the CM looks like on Google. This info is borrowed from Baby Center. They have the credit, & do not take responsibility for this info.
You can find this info. at. http://www.babycenter.com/101_what-cervical-mucus-looks-like-through-your-cycle_10351429.bc
You can find this info. at. http://www.babycenter.com/101_what-cervical-mucus-looks-like-through-your-cycle_10351429.bc

Egg white cervical mucus
So-called egg white cervical mucus is the most fertile of all CM types because it allows the sperm to swim easily into the cervix. Its consistency is similar to raw egg whites and it can stretch an inch or two without breaking in the middle.Watery cervical mucus
Watery CM is second best for conception, after egg white CM. It allows sperm to move unhindered into the cervix, but doesn't make the sperm's job quite as easy. When you have watery CM, you may feel as though you've leaked urine in your underwear. Watery CM is clear in color and drips or runs off your fingers.Creamy cervical mucus
Creamy CM is considered non-fertile because it greatly restricts the movement of sperm. Creamy CM can be a pearly white or creamy yellow. It's thick and feels like lotion when rubbed between the fingersSaturday, July 28, 2012
Okay since I have not done a post on if I was pregnant or not, you can probably guess that I'm not. AF came (the evil bitch) & onto the next cycle.
We will not be doing anymore medicated cycles until we get to Houston to see my regular Doctor. Regular as in he knows what's going on with my ovaries, & will actually 'try' to get it to work instead of forcing me to get IUI's every month to get paid by the military.
Since I've been sick for mostly the full half of this cycle, this one with more than likely be a bust also. But since I have been sick I know that we didn't try every other day so there's no possibility to get upset about over nothing. Which is sad when you think about it.
Sooo for a sign off I will use a picture, a Someecard that I created with words from my lovely TTC ladies.
We will not be doing anymore medicated cycles until we get to Houston to see my regular Doctor. Regular as in he knows what's going on with my ovaries, & will actually 'try' to get it to work instead of forcing me to get IUI's every month to get paid by the military.
Since I've been sick for mostly the full half of this cycle, this one with more than likely be a bust also. But since I have been sick I know that we didn't try every other day so there's no possibility to get upset about over nothing. Which is sad when you think about it.
Sooo for a sign off I will use a picture, a Someecard that I created with words from my lovely TTC ladies.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Basal Body Temperature.
**Please note this is Copied from Wiki & possibly other sites & reworded**
Basal body temperature is the lowest temperature attained by the body during rest (usually during sleep). It is generally measured immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken, although the temperature measured at that time is somewhat higher than the true basal body temperature. In women, ovulation causes an increase of one-half to one degree Fahrenheit (one-quarter to one-half degree Celsius) in basal body temperature (BBT); monitoring of BBTs is one way of estimating the day of ovulation. The tendency of a woman to have lower temperatures before ovulation, and higher temperatures afterwards. Charting of this pattern may be used as a component of fertility awareness.
Records of basal body temperatures can be used to accurately determine if a woman is ovulating, and if the length of the Post-Ovulatory (Luteal) phase of her menstrual cycle is sufficient to sustain a pregnancy. Some fertility computers and software can help a woman to determine these factors. (aka Fertility Friend) Pregnancy Tests are not accurate until 2-3 weeks (14-21 days) after ovulation. Knowing an estimated date of ovulation can prevent a woman from getting false negative results due to testing too early. Also, 18 consecutive days of elevated temperatures means a woman is almost certainly pregnant.
Tracking basal body temperatures is a more accurate method of estimating gestational age than tracking menstrual periods
Basal body temperature is the lowest temperature attained by the body during rest (usually during sleep). It is generally measured immediately after awakening and before any physical activity has been undertaken, although the temperature measured at that time is somewhat higher than the true basal body temperature. In women, ovulation causes an increase of one-half to one degree Fahrenheit (one-quarter to one-half degree Celsius) in basal body temperature (BBT); monitoring of BBTs is one way of estimating the day of ovulation. The tendency of a woman to have lower temperatures before ovulation, and higher temperatures afterwards. Charting of this pattern may be used as a component of fertility awareness.
While trying to conceive
Regular menstrual cycles are often taken as evidence that a woman is ovulating normally, and irregular cycles is evidence she is not. However, many women with irregular cycles do ovulate normally, and some with regular cycles are actually anovulatory or have a luteal phase defect.Records of basal body temperatures can be used to accurately determine if a woman is ovulating, and if the length of the Post-Ovulatory (Luteal) phase of her menstrual cycle is sufficient to sustain a pregnancy. Some fertility computers and software can help a woman to determine these factors. (aka Fertility Friend) Pregnancy Tests are not accurate until 2-3 weeks (14-21 days) after ovulation. Knowing an estimated date of ovulation can prevent a woman from getting false negative results due to testing too early. Also, 18 consecutive days of elevated temperatures means a woman is almost certainly pregnant.
Tracking basal body temperatures is a more accurate method of estimating gestational age than tracking menstrual periods
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Understanding Cervix & Mucus
In my TTC Group on FB there have been a few ladies that was confused on cervix & mucus relating to Ovulation. Which is understandable since I was the same way when I started doing it myself. Some of this information I copied from some sites & rephrased it, some I wrote. Hope this info. helps.
yourself for Mucus & position is going to take time since you've
got to figure out what "opening" is. The best way I can describe it, your Cervix is going to feel like a
ball with slits/"x" in it. At least that's what it feels for me.
To find your cervix you may want to be in a squatting position or have
one foot on a stool. Insert one or two fingers into your vagina and push
them towards the back of your vagina. You will reach a spot that feels
firmer than the rest of your vagina. Your cervix may feel soft like your
lips or firm like the tip of your nose. You may notice your cervix
feeling more open or closed. It may take you a cycle or two to determine when your cervix is softest, firmest, highest or lowest.
-Right after AF, your cervix will be low and easier for you to reach. It will feel firmer and closed.
-During ovulation your cervix will be higher and more difficult to reach.
It will also feel soft, wet and you may notice it feeling more open. (If
you have given birth before your cervix may feel more open than someone
who has not)
-After ovulation, your cervix normally returns to a more firm, lower position.
These are the types of mucus you will see during your menstrual cycle.
Dry: At the beginning of your cycle, before ovulation you will likely produce little to no cervical
mucus. Also right before your period should start your cervical mucous
may become dry again. If you do not notice cervical mucus you will want
to record this on your chart as dry.
Sticky: You may notice sticky cervical mucus before ovulation. It feels sticky to your fingers when you touch it.
Creamy: As you get closer to
ovulation you will notice thicker, creamy-looking cervical mucous. This
mucous looks and feels similar to lotion.
Eggwhite: Eggwhite cervical mucous
is the term used to describe the mucous you have during ovulation. It
looks like eggwhites and is slippery, clear, and stretchy.
Watery: Watery cervical mucous is
wet and may be stretchy. You may notice this type of cervical mucous
during ovulation or before having eggwhite cervical mucus.
I found another site that might be able to help http://www.gardenoffertility.com/cervix.shtml
Okay feel free to ask me questions. I will do my best to answer them. I too am still new to this even tho I've been doing this for two years. But as I am no Dr. I cannot answer everything & if I am still unsure please refer to them.
Monday, July 16, 2012
I had some spotting yesterday that started the bumming out & grump-ness. So this morning AF came & ruined the day. I had a blood test before AF came but even tho the blood test results haven't come back I
know it's Neg.
So I will be going drug free until moving time. Which will
probably be Oct/Nov until I can see my Dr. in Houston. One that isn't going to force me to have an IUI every cycle. So now my decision is to decide if I'm going to attempt temping or forget it.
Just makes me a little pissed off because Hubby was off of work for the past two weeks & gave us plenty of time to time it right for the Trigger Shot I took. AND what ya know, no Goal!
So in another words, Grrrrrrr!!!
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