It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

So yeah, yesterday (last night) we went to a festival because Jo Dee Messina was playing an I LOVE her & it was FREE!!

Anyways, half way through the "concert" & this lady comes talking to us about how cute our son is, and all that...and mentions her 4 kids, and introduces, and I go back to tune myself back into the music. I open my ears long enough back into the conversation that DH was having with her & she says, "It gets easier with more kids, ya'll should really think about having another one"

What!?!?! ......thankfully DH took care of this & told her "We have, we have been trying for over a year, not going that well".

She backed off.....

Anyways, I still have my HSG test on Tuesday, also have a walk in Blood PG. test the day before just in case. But I doubt that even if I happen to get PG within the 5 days being off my period, I highly, highly doubt that it's gonna show up on the test. But the good news is that, from the stories I have read/heared about what happens after the HSG test, the out comes looks really good. So I'm making sure I get my POM juice up to "O". So I'm keeping my hopes up this cycle. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A few Adult-Sex-Humor jokes......

If someone ever tells you that you are useless, remember that at one time you were the strongest, fastest little sperm out of millions!

Be quiet or I'll light the fuse on your tampon

Did you know that your nipples are lined up with your earlobes? Bet you're checking now :)

Today, I did it hard, I did it loud, it was wet, and I did it four times in a row. I wish I wasn't talking about sneezing.

Got arrested for opening the cop's zipper. Apparently I misunderstood the meaning of "Please blow Ma'am"

What do men have in their pants that is 6 inches, has a head on it, and women like to blow it?
Answer: A $20 dollar bill

I hate to break it to you, but cooties do exist...It's just when you grow up they're called STD's

I never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.

Why did Cinderella get kicked out of Disneyland?
For sitting on Pinocchio's face and saying, "Lie to me" "Tell the Truth"

Men are the best cooks; because wit 2 nuts 1 sausage n a little bit of milk she can fill a woman tummy for 9 months!

What does Viagra and Disneyland have in common.??
They both make you stand around for an hour waiting for a two minute ride.

Why do guys think more then girls, and why do girls talk more then guys? Because guys have two heads and girls have two sets of lips ;)

Today, I saw a couple of beetles doing it. Jealous, I quickly crushed them with my boot while screaming, "IF I CAN'T DO IT, NOBODY WILL!"

What does a G-spot, a woman's Birthday and a urinal have in common? Men seem to miss all three!

A blow-job is the only job in the world that can't be included in your resume despite years of experience and a number of references!

A husband and wife are watching TV. The husband says "I can't decide between golf and porn." The wife says "Choose porn, you already know how to golf."

Husband says to wife "Why are you reading a recipe book if you can't cook?"
Wife says to husband ''Why do you watch porn?''

Monday, April 25, 2011

Okay tell me how this makes

I just called Radiology so I can get an HSG done next week on Tues. since I'm on CD3. (would've called on Sat. when I started but they are closed) Today I'm starting Clomid, which is supposed to help me get PG. Not allowed to have any sex, until after my HSG is done..............BUT here's the best part....they are having me do a Blood PG Test the day before.

I know they have to make sure and everything (especially with the show "I didn't know I was PG"), but this just makes me laugh. DH was like WTF?!

For those who don't know what an HSG is, it's a Real Time X-Ray imager. The Xray procedure performed to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and to see if the shape of the uterine cavity is normal. The Outpatient procedure takes less than half-an-hour to preform. It is usually done after menstrual has ended, but before ovulation, to prevent interference with an early pregnancy.
(And yes, I did copy this information from my pamphlet the Dr. gave me)
On CD2:
**talking to DH about stuff**
Me: Hey tomorrow I can start on Clomid
**short pause**
DH: Yay! Then we can start making BABIES!!
Me: *just laughing*

Sunday, April 24, 2011

CD 2

Of course out of all the days of AF to come, it has to come on our Anniversary. (yesterday) Mid-day too...just my luck. I had a romantic night planned for us since AF was no where near, but never mind. I was able to have a drink at Joes Crabshack with no fear of anything (ya'll know what I mean). I mean I'm happy that she showed up, but she could have waited just a lil' bit longer.

Which by the way, after the food & the 1 drink I had last night, I ended up sick. I wasn't even close to being buzzed. Ate around 3-4pm, and then I felt being sick to my stomach around 10-11pm. Then finally forced it, so I could go to sleep, around midnight. Def. the food, I was tempted to call the restaurant, but lost track of time. I still feel a lil' sick but not as bad as I did.

Now tomorrow I can start my Clomid...Wooooo!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

just another day

Called my Dr. Office today & he's out until next week because of Holiday....grrr. Well I asked about my REALLY Sore Boobs, & why it's been over a week since ending Provera & still no AF. She told me if the pain got really bad that I need to go to the E.R. but other than that they can't give me a straight answer until next week when the Dr. returns.
I've been able to keep most of the pain at bay with some Tylenol and warm baths/showers so I'm gonna do my best to wait it out the best I can, because I really don't want to sit in the waiting room for 2-3 or more just because my boobs hurt. But if it does get that bad, I will go.
I did take a HPT yesterday just for self reassurance, since I have been having some weird symptoms. A little hopeful but not surprised that it came out Negative.
DH is happy because usually when my boobs are sore mean that they are growing. LOL

So I'm continuing on waiting for AF

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Provera & BBT

6 Days past finishing Provera....and still nothing. Well it's only 9am & I just woke up so that doesn't mean anything. I only have cramps, that comes & goes. I mainly have the cramps at night, which is weird. Oh I did forget about tender/sore nipples.
I'm still keeping up a small amount of hope that I'm pregnant, & the blood test my Dr. did 2 weeks ago was to early. Provera is just Progesterone which the body makes when your PG. anyways.
I was having a temp rise, so I researched about the Provera & see what my body is doing. A couple stuff I Googled said that Provera raises BBT but the thing is most of the rise is after finishing Provera which is kinda weird, but also hopeful at the same time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I really need to write some more on this blog.....

Done with Provera, so now I'm on the AF waiting train...and I have a feeling it may take a while. I am experiencing some cramping, so maybe some luck on that. I believe I have to wait 2-3 weeks before I call the Dr. I'm just hoping I don't have to that. Because in a way I think that Clomid bottle is starting to collect dust, even though it's only been 10 days. But I probally should dust the bedroom/bathroom tho. LOL

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little info. On Provera

Provera does not make you ovulate. It builds up the uterine lining with the progesterone hormone & then when you stop taking the hormone, you have what is called a "withdrawl bleed" This is usually a way to induce a period to get you back on the path to TTC again, but if the doctor wanted to make you ovulate after this, they would try Clomid. Provera is usually prescribed for women TTC who are not regular or its been a while between periods, so you need to be "cleaned out" & start fresh. Provera is also Rx'd to women who are trying to go through the change as they have such irregular periods that they don't always clear out their uterine lining & therefore at higher risk for Endometrial Cancer.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Never Mind....

Well according from my last post, ya'll thought that AF had come around....well false alarm. I did have a couple days of spotting, but nothing more than that. Still taking Provera, after today I have 4 days left, and then apparently it's the waiting game. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.
Nothing really much more on this end.


I would like to take a quick moment and announce a New Line of Baby Products coming out. Tiny Tilla by Avon. I do work for Avon/Mark so if you have any questions please ask. If you would like to see any of the products Tiny Tilla is offering you can visit or Tiny Tilla Tiny Tilla will be Opening up tomorrow Online. If you would like to see what Avon has to offer visit My Avon Online

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ovaries meet Provera & Clomid

I can't believe it. Either my ovaries got scared and gave in OR the Provera works. After my 1st dosage yesterday around 3pm, I finally started around 3pm today!! I wanted to make sure I kept the "pill" taking around the same I took my 2nd dosage around three, and then jumped into the shower, & that's where I noticed it.
Normally I wouldn't be excited about starting AF, with all the cramps, bleeding, bloating, etc. But I can now start over. Now I wait till CD3 to start the Clomid
So tomorrow, I've gotta call the Radiology & schedule an appt. with them. After 77 days of nothing, I finally get to a point so I can start over.

Ovaries meet Provera & Clomid

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Welcome Provera & Clomid!!

I am now a Provera & Clomid woman...

Had my Dr. appt. today & he drew 5 tubes of blood, one of them a blood test (just in case) had that rushed, and of course came out Neg. (darn)....I then started my 1st day with Provera=10mg...then once AF comes on CD3 I start Clomid=50mg

If no AF by CD35 I then schedule a PG. with the Dr. & go from there, if I go through 3 cycles on Provera & Clomid we will start "looking" into IVF

Of course DH is gonna have to do SA, and as soon as CD1 comes I call Radiology and make an appt. for that. Just one appt. after another but I'm hoping that it won't take to long & this Dr. can fix me.

When I went in for the blood draw, or should I say blood bank...ha. I looked at the number of tubes and sighed,

Nurse: they love you today
Me: As long as this medicine works
Nurse: You have Dr. ****** right?
Me: Yup
Nurse: He's good, he's a miracle worker

I then thought to myself, well good, shouldn't take too long then. I'll be keeping that phrase in mind, and holding him to it know. LOL

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wanted to jump on here & let ya'll know that there is a chance that April & May are my only months to try to conceive, for a while anyways. With DH being in the Army I knew that the time was coming, but didn't want it to. The Army is going to be sending him away for a while, can't say where, and when but obviously after May since I have less than 2 months.
Seeing the Dr. tomorrow, & will now discuss some options. Even if I don't get pregnant before he leaves, I still need to go and see him, since 1) Haven't had AF since Jan. 20th 2)I've been having pains 3)It's always good to prepare for the future.

Also want a heads up, if I don't give notice before, that if you don't see this particular blog anymore it's because I shut it down. No reason on keeping it up, if nothing is gonna happen. Ya'll should understand.