It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Okay tell me how this makes

I just called Radiology so I can get an HSG done next week on Tues. since I'm on CD3. (would've called on Sat. when I started but they are closed) Today I'm starting Clomid, which is supposed to help me get PG. Not allowed to have any sex, until after my HSG is done..............BUT here's the best part....they are having me do a Blood PG Test the day before.

I know they have to make sure and everything (especially with the show "I didn't know I was PG"), but this just makes me laugh. DH was like WTF?!

For those who don't know what an HSG is, it's a Real Time X-Ray imager. The Xray procedure performed to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and to see if the shape of the uterine cavity is normal. The Outpatient procedure takes less than half-an-hour to preform. It is usually done after menstrual has ended, but before ovulation, to prevent interference with an early pregnancy.
(And yes, I did copy this information from my pamphlet the Dr. gave me)

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