It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Checking your Cervix

Someone from my FB TTC group gave this description for one of the ladies on how to check your cervix & thought that this was the best way I've heard so I'm going to share with you. This is what she said. ---

"As you approach ovulation, your cervix will become soft, high, open, and wet — you can remember this with the acronym SHOW. After ovulation, these signs reverse and the cervix becomes firm, low, closed, and dry.

It might sound easy, but most women aren't familiar with touching their cervix and when they do, they don't know exactly how it should feel. (How soft is "soft," for example?)

The best way to learn about your cervix is to start checking it once your cervical fluid becomes wet and continue checking for a few days after your temperature has risen. That phase of about five days is when you'll notice the most abrupt change.

To check your cervix, insert your clean, middle finger into your vagina up to at least your middle knuckle or even further. Notice how the cervix feels to the touch. Just before ovulation it may feel like your lips. After ovulation it will feel harder, like the tip of your nose.

Even if you check your cervix, you still need to monitor your two primary ovulation signs: basal body temperature and cervical fluid. This means taking your temperature every morning, before you get up and after you've had at least three hours of uninterrupted sleep.

If you've ovulated, you should notice your temperature quickly rise above the range of lows that preceded it. It should stay high for 12 to 16 days, until you get your period.

But the change in temperature doesn't tell you when you're going to ovulate, only that you have ovulated, so it's important to use this method in tandem with observing the changes in cervical fluid throughout your cycle.

After your period, you will probably notice a few days of dryness, followed by increasing wetness until your cervical fluid has a stretchy, slippery quality. This is the time, just before ovulation, when intercourse is most likely to lead to conception."

Hope this info. has helped you, like it did me. I knew before tho, just never thought about it this way. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Prenatals

You don't necessarily have to be pregnant to take these. Well like it says on the bottle "Important Before, During, and After Pregnancy". It's always good to prepare for something right? Well these do the same thing. Full of Vitamins!
I picked these babies up at the local Walmart. I ran out of the Rx I got from my Dr & didn't feel like asking for more. But cost me $4. Can't beat that right? Plus if your like 95% of the population & have to pay for your Rx when you pick them up $4 is cheap compared that. So why not?

Monday, June 25, 2012

This morning I went in for a Folli Check, even though I'm not on shots, I would still like to get the Trigger which unfortunately with Army Dr. that's the way they do it. Annoying! I am so ready to see my Dr. in Houston.
But funny story. Unfortunately I have to take Hayden with me 95% of the time since it's early in the freaking morning, and Spencer usually has to work at that time. Well anywho, they had to do the Vajay way (yes I was covered), there was this little screen off to the side so I don't break my neck trying to see my ovaries. Hayden goes, "Mommy!, where's your heart?!" I thought the nurse died laughing. She'd never heard anything like that. LOL Gotta love my child tho.
When she started looking she had trouble finding my ovaries. Uh, duh!, y'all switched me to a lower medication. What do you expect?! Let's take time to look at what I was on before. Gonal-f which ranged from 75mg-112.5mg, you say that y'all are over budget & since I'm not doing an IUI I can't get anymore. Sooooo you put me on a lower Med. Femara "2.5mg" . Hmmmmm, I wonder why you can't find anything!
Oh, as I looked on my med. bottle to find out the mg. I was taking since I didn't remember off the top of my head I noticed one of the little stickers that they put on it. Okay I know women have used this drug to get pregnant so I'm not going crazy over the med. but the pharmacy. The sticker says, "Do Not Use This Medicine If You Are Pregnant Or Plan To Become Pregnant". Really?! Haha, are people stupid or something? I hope it's not contagious.
Anyways! Summing this up. I take my Trigger Shot Thursday. And then time it from there.

*more info later*

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ugh Army Dr's

So I'm ready to be in Texas now & out of the Army. I am sooo over these Army Dr's & how they analyze everything.

I started a new cycle(surprise I know) Friday, called the office a bit late so they didn't get back to me until today(Monday). Here's how this went. I got 2 phone calls:
1) nurse asking me if I'm going to be able to do an IUI. I told her no because we are hopefully moving in a couple months & we are saving money.
--(first let me tell you that these IUI's are $180 a pop / per cycle. We have the money to afford another child so don't think we can't but why would I waste $180 per cycle if it's not going to work)-- Anyways, she then tells me I'm not doing the shots anymore because they are over budget & since I'm doing IUI they are taking me off of it.
2) phone call two. Asking me if I wanted to try out "Femara" 2.5 mg. So they sent that to my local Walmart instead of driving 30 miles to post for it. Finally they started thinking lol.

So 2 tablets for 5 days & I go in for a Folli check on the 26th. I would like to know if I'm dropping these eggs. I know I'm making them for sure but if I'm not releasing them weve got fix that.

So we continue...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sometime I hate being a woman....

I would've posted this Friday or yesterday but I was getting drunk Friday & recovering yesterday.
You know what I really hate about trying to conceive other than not being pregnant. Going & buying a test, coming home to discover that I started my period. OMG it's annoying. I went to Walmart for regular grocery shopping, and decided to pick one up since 1. I was there, & 2. I was on Cycle Day 29. Might as well. Got home, and BAM! Thankfully I didn't already use.
So onto Cycle 20 -- in over 2 years.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Okay this month I've seen a lot of people being/getting/trying to get pregnant, especially on FB & I've used or seen their friends use some acronyms & they don't know what it means. So I copied the list that I posted off to the side here & put it on it's own page.
*Look above*
I also noted that if I've missed, or you just want to add one that's not part of it, that I will add it to the list. So make sure you message/comment to me noting what I've missed & I'll add it.
Enjoy & have a good day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

So last night before I went to bed, I started feeling nauseated. On Day 25 around Midnight. I'm am soooooooo not, in anyway, putting this towards pregnancy. I have two theories, 1) My body being weird, annoying, & a pissing me off, OR 2)  Upset, & annoyed from trying/struggling to get my 4 year old to go to sleep. But could be a mixture of both. Who knows, but I am sooo not putting this towards being pregnant.
As the past, oh 10+ cycles I've been through, I'm not keeping my hopes up. It sounds bad, but I'm getting used to the disappointment. But the good news is, is that we do have our wonderful little man, but would love to give him a brother or sister.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Well to give me something to talk about. By looking at my chart you can tell that I have what's called as a Normal cycle. But to me Normal means doing what it's supposed to do & get me pregnant but I'll vent later. I continued to take Gonal-F. Since we took a month off, I didn't know that I had to go back to 75mg instead of 112.5mg that I was on before. Which was weird. But by the ultrasound my ovaries was "working" (ha!), so the Dr. gave me Novarel. Yes, I got that demon back. This time they showed me how to do the damn thing. And YAY! I got it right. I was able to shoot myself in the butt correctly.

So **fingers crossed** again for a pregnancy.

Oh I just re-read my blog to make sure I didn't already post this. But now, even when I'm not pregnant, I still get nauseated. So right before my period, like about a week before I start, I get sick to my stomach. That's happened for 3 cycles in a row, so I asked my nurse if that was normal, and apparently it is. Since I've been taking meds. my body will change. So my body hates me. We will see if I get pregnant.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Smacking Reason? Possible

So I was opening up my Rx allergy meds, & dropped most of the on the floor. Then tried to do the same thing with another bottle, ended up doing the same thing. Im cussing & stuff. Hubby opens his mouth & says, "oh, your just pregnant". HA!! Not holding my breath! After thinking about it, I should've slapped him for teasing me like that.