It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ugh Army Dr's

So I'm ready to be in Texas now & out of the Army. I am sooo over these Army Dr's & how they analyze everything.

I started a new cycle(surprise I know) Friday, called the office a bit late so they didn't get back to me until today(Monday). Here's how this went. I got 2 phone calls:
1) nurse asking me if I'm going to be able to do an IUI. I told her no because we are hopefully moving in a couple months & we are saving money.
--(first let me tell you that these IUI's are $180 a pop / per cycle. We have the money to afford another child so don't think we can't but why would I waste $180 per cycle if it's not going to work)-- Anyways, she then tells me I'm not doing the shots anymore because they are over budget & since I'm doing IUI they are taking me off of it.
2) phone call two. Asking me if I wanted to try out "Femara" 2.5 mg. So they sent that to my local Walmart instead of driving 30 miles to post for it. Finally they started thinking lol.

So 2 tablets for 5 days & I go in for a Folli check on the 26th. I would like to know if I'm dropping these eggs. I know I'm making them for sure but if I'm not releasing them weve got fix that.

So we continue...

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