It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Understanding Cervix & Mucus

In my TTC Group on FB there have been a few ladies that was confused on cervix & mucus relating to Ovulation. Which is understandable since I was the same way when I started doing it myself. Some of this information I copied from some sites & rephrased it, some I wrote. Hope this info. helps.

Checking yourself for Mucus & position is going to take time since you've got to figure out what "opening" is. The best way I can describe it, your Cervix is going to feel like a ball with slits/"x" in it. At least that's what it feels for me. 
To find your cervix you may want to be in a squatting position or have one foot on a stool. Insert one or two fingers into your vagina and push them towards the back of your vagina. You will reach a spot that feels firmer than the rest of your vagina. Your cervix may feel soft like your lips or firm like the tip of your nose. You may notice your cervix feeling more open or closed. It may take you a cycle or two to determine when your cervix is softest, firmest, highest or lowest.

-Right after AF, your cervix will be low and easier for you to reach. It will feel firmer and closed.
-During ovulation your cervix will be higher and more difficult to reach. It will also feel soft, wet and you may notice it feeling more open. (If you have given birth before your cervix may feel more open than someone who has not)
-After ovulation, your cervix normally returns to a more firm, lower position.

These are the types of mucus you will see during your menstrual cycle.
Dry: At the beginning of your cycle, before ovulation you will likely produce little to no cervical mucus. Also right before your period should start your cervical mucous may become dry again. If you do not notice cervical mucus you will want to record this on your chart as dry.
Sticky: You may notice sticky cervical mucus before ovulation. It feels sticky to your fingers when you touch it.
Creamy: As you get closer to ovulation you will notice thicker, creamy-looking cervical mucous. This mucous looks and feels similar to lotion.
Eggwhite: Eggwhite cervical mucous is the term used to describe the mucous you have during ovulation. It looks like eggwhites and is slippery, clear, and stretchy.
Watery: Watery cervical mucous is wet and may be stretchy. You may notice this type of cervical mucous during ovulation or before having eggwhite cervical mucus.

I found another site that might be able to help

Okay feel free to ask me questions. I will do my best to answer them. I too am still new to this even tho I've been doing this for two years. But as I am no Dr. I cannot answer everything & if I am still unsure please refer to them.

1 comment:

  1. it seems like i only ovulated for a day and a half is that possible because for about 36 off and on my cervix was high and had all the syntoms of ovulating but the as soon as it came it was gone then next time my wife checked me
