It's been over a year since we've been TTC our #2....this is our journey

Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Also note, that I may change the look of my blog regularly. Just be patient & deal with it. Thanks for reading.

Monday, May 23, 2011


This morning I tested with a Wondfo brand HPT, and got a BFN. Then a couple hours ago I found out that AF has arrived, quietly, and with some what of a surprise, being the sneaky self that she is. This explains the BFN I got this morning....grrrr. But I am, like I said, somewhat surprised because I usually have long cycles & this 8th Cycle was only 30 days. So there are multiple reasons I can think of. 1. My body decided to get on track (hahahaha) 2. The HSG procedure I had done kicked something on 3. The Provera I had end of last cycle & the Clomid did it's job or 4. Something else I can't think of.

On 2 good notes,

1. I finally had a normal cycle in a long time. So the Provera & Clomid had to have worked

2. Next week when I go to the beach I don't have to worry about all that AF stuff with the swim suit issue, and I can drink with no risk.

Still sucks tho, good bye cycle 8, and hello cycle 9. To bad I can't surprise my parents with good news. But like I told the ladies on The Bump, gotta stay positive in this mess. Can't be overcome with Stress.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

For those who read my blog & look at my chart...

Okay I'm not directing this towards anyone and I am NOT upset but let's get something straight. We are TTC our #2, so that means we already have one. And that means that some days I'm going to have Open Circles due to our son waking up before my temping time.
For those who are also TTC #2, 3, 4 or more ya'll should understand. Those #1-ers, please understand that when ever you do get your +, your going to be waking up at odd times of the night, and your going to be exhausted.
SO point blank....My Chart, it's gonna have Open Circles. So just deal with it.

Thanks for your time.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Holding out till next week

Okay so today is 8DPO, and Fertility Friend wants me to wait till 13DPO. UGH! I will do my best. My temps, are okay I guess. Right now they are looking like a roller coaster. Not consistently going up, but not down either. Oh of course I have my doubts, but I still have hope.

The HSG I had this cycle was said to help, clearing out the tubes, etc. I drank POM, and ate Pineapple core at 3DPO. Took OPK's to hopefully narrow it down.

So 13DPO is a few days before my parents arrive. So Wednesday....hmmm let's see. I may test on 10 or 11 DPO if I can't wait that long. But as I always tell DH, who is impatient about everything, especially when he's irritated, "Patience is a virtue". Hahahahaha! Should I take my own advice?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Holy Crosshairs

I was hoping that I would get them this cycle. I woke up, entered my temp, and Woah!! I was actually surprised. I checked with the ladies on the Bump & it looks like I'm doing good. Currently I'm at 3DPO, and praying for higher temps.
According to FF, they are having me test on CD35, making it 13DPO, but may test sooner if my temps look REALLY good.
I'm so excited that once again I'm in the 2ww, now if I can just get through it till testing day, I should be good.
*more updates later*

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well looks like his little guys passed the test and got an A+ ... LOL

Finally got a call back a week later...but his count is at 279 Mill. His mobility is supposed to be over 50% and he was at 95%

Now if we can just get his little guys to behave and do what they need to, we can be done.

One of the Bump ladies posted this & I thought that it was too funny. Of course I've seen this before but I think it's just a perfect example of how DH's little guys did on their test

Well yesterday's OPK looked positive, so I'm my eyes didn't lie to me. Now today's OPK was obviously a negative. So let's hope DH's little swimmers did their job like they are supposed to. Especially after going through an HSG, cleaning everything out. It should make it easier.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well Friday I had received some OPK's in mail that I ordered. To bad that they didn't come in enough time for me to do one that day. So I did one mid-day yesterday and of course the test came out negative. Not so much disappointing as a HPT, but still downing. BUT, not out of it yet. Testing again today.
I am still continuing to drink POM until I get a +. Not just because of that, but I don't want the POM I do have in the fridge to go bad. Not that much left. Since the POM is a little tart for me, I'm doing half a glass of POM, and then the other half with either Sprite, or Pom/Blueberry V8 Fruit Juice.

I also want to wish to all the Mom's, Mommy's, Mommies, Mother's, To-Be's.....A Happy Mother's Day!! Ya'll are all great in my book.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HSG test

Okay so obviously the Blood PG. test I had done yesterday turned out negative. Surprised??....Nope, hopeful?, like I didn't know I was Pregnant episodes hopeful??....a little.

Anyways, I had my HSG test today. Everything turned out normal. So Mom, your off the hook this time. (I usually blame my mom for female issues) I'm still having some mild cramping here and there(considering this was done about 3 hours ago), but feels like I'm on my period cramps crossed with gas. LOL. I went in they did the procedure, and I was out. It was little uncomfortable, but after they got all the equipment in, I did fine. I was able to watch the screen as the dye was flowing & that was pretty cool. After, they took the stuff out, they told me I was going to have some spotting. But thankfully, I still had a Pad left over in my purse so I put that on. Plus, what goes up, must come back down, and I don't want the dye to stain my clothes. (just in case)
So my loving husband drove me home since it was more than a 30 minute drive back. As we stopped half way at Starbucks, is when I started feeling some cramping. Not severe, tho. When I got home I ate something & took some Ibuprofen (I believe 800mg) & laid down.

Also, before leaving DH got what he needed for a SA, and was able to that today. Surprisingly, the results will be in, in a few hours.

If you would like to know more details on the how the procedure was done, list your email below in the comment box, and I'll get back to you. I don't feel like listing "that much" graphic details publicly on-line, even though most of this is personal.